Strawberry and Custard Tart

While it may require a little extra time and effort, my Strawberry and Custard Tart is absolutely worth it. It's filled with strawberry jam, creamy custard and the recipe gives you instructions to create your own tart with a crumbly base, filling and glaze. You can make most of the components in advance, and the finished product makes for a fabulous centerpiece. Superb!

For the tart shell

  • 240g plain flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 185g vegan butter
  • 60ml soy milk 

For the vegan custard

  • 420ml soy milk
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 60g plain flour
  • 1 tbs cornflour
  • 1 tbs vegan butter

For the strawberry jam

  • 350g strawberries
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 15ml lemon juice
  • 2g agar agar

For the topping

  • 50g caster sugar
  • 1.5 tbs water
  • 1/8 tsp agar agar
  • 350g strawberries, halved

Strawberry Custard Tart

Custard Tart

Vegan Custard Tart

Vegan Tart

Strawberry Tart


For the tart shell

  • Place flour and salt in a large bowl.
  • Add butter, and use your fingers to mix together until you have different sized chunks. You should still be able to see butter pieces.
  • Add milk, then mix until mixture just comes together (don't over mix!)
  • Bring mixture into a disk, cover and place in the fridge to rest for at least 20 minutes, or overnight.
  • Once ready to bake, preheat the oven to approximately 180 degrees Celsius and set aside a large tart tin.
  • Roll out pastry, then place carefully into the tin.
  • Prick the base several times with a fork.
  • Bake for approximately 15 to 20 minutes or until the outside is just starting to brown.
  • Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.

For the custard

  • Heat milk, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan over a medium heat.
  • Once mixture starts to bubble, add flour and cornflour and whisk briskly until well combined.
  • Add butter and turn off the heat. If there are any lumps, use an immersion blender to smooth.
  • Place in the fridge until completely cold.

For the strawberry jam

  • Place strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan and cook on a medium heat for 10 minutes. 
  • Once the strawberries are soft and starting to break down, add agar agar, blend with an immersion blender and place in the fridge to cool completely.

For the topping

  • Spread jam evenly in the base of the tart.
  • Place custard in a piping bag and pipe custard evenly over the jam.
  • Heat sugar water and agar agar in a saucepan until thick, about five minutes.
  • Arrange strawberries over custard, brush each one with glaze and place in the fridge for a final 30 minutes.
  • Serve cold or at room temperature.


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