5 Ingredient Vegan: Chewy Almond Slice

Developed for the lazy vegan; the vegan who always forgets to buy the ingredients they need; the vegan who loves eating but isn't so keen on cooking, I introduce you to my new series, 5 Ingredient Vegan Recipes.

The first of many, I'm excited to share the recipe for my Chewy Almond Slice, the easiest, chewiest and tastiest slice you'll make. It takes 40 minutes to prepare and cook, and about 10 seconds to eat. 

Send me your suggestions for what you'd like to see in this series, and keep cooking. 


  • 100g aquafaba (the liquid found in tinned chickpeas)
  • 120g caster sugar
  • 30g almond meal
  • 220g flaked almonds
  • Optional 6th ingredient: vanilla essence, to taste

Chewy Almond Slice

Vegan Almond Slice

Vegan Slice Recipe

Slice Recipe

Almond Slice Recipe


  • Preheat oven to approximately 200 degrees and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  • In a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment or in a bowl with a handheld mixer, beat aquafaba until soft peaks form.
  • Add sugar and continue to beat until peaks are almost stiff.
  • Add meal, almonds and essence, and fold using a spatula until mixture comes together.
  • Press mixture evenly into prepared tray and bake for approximately 20 minutes, or until slice is starting to brown and is firm to the touch. 
  • Leave to cool, then slice into squares and serve. 
  • Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days. 

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