Vegan Banana and Caramel Cake

I developed this recipe specifically with a very special friend in mind, who was celebrating her birthday and deserved something fabulous. I came up with this recipe, and tested it in muffin and cake form, and both turned out exactly as I'd hoped!

There aren't many treats more satisfying than fresh muffins, particularly when served with a hot cup of tea on a cold morning. Having said that, I developed this recipe in the heat of summer and still had no problem devouring a few, so really, muffins are an all-year-round delight. With the cake version of this recipe, I had to show a little more restraint, as I didn't really want to show up to an event with a half eaten cake. No judgement if that's how you do things, though. 

Unlike a standard banana muffin that incorporates fresh banana throughout the batter, my twist on this classic uses caramelised banana as a sweet, surprise filling in the middle of each muffin. No offence regular muffins, but these are KILLER. 

They're moist, sweet, soft and make a magnificent party treat, and are of course vegan and cruelty-free. Make in advance and freeze if you're short on time, or enjoy hot from the oven. 

Ingredients for the caramelised banana

  • 150g vegan butter
  • 220g caster sugar
  • 300g banana, sliced

Ingredients for the muffins

  • 500ml soy milk
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 270ml vegetable oil
  • 600g self-raising flour
  • 1 tbs arrowroot powder
  • 450g caster sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla bean paste

Ingredients for the caramel icing

  • 350g vegan butter
  • 450g icing sugar
  • 2 tbs vegan caramel sauce (I use Natures Charm Coconut Caramel Sauce)
  • 1 tsp soy milk

Ingredients for the decorations

  • Vegan caramel sauce
  • Caramel popcorn
  • Fresh figs and raspberries
  • Sprinkles 
  • Cake topper

Banana and Caramel Cake

Vegan Banana Cake

Vegan Cake

Banana and Caramel Cake recipe

Easy Banana Cake recipe

Vegan Banana Cake

Birthday Cake

Easy Cake recipe

Easy Birthday Cake

Vegan Dessert


















Instructions for the caramelised banana

  • Place butter and sugar into a small saucepan and heat until mixture melts.
  • Add banana, and place over a medium heat for approximately 15 minutes, or until bananas are well coated in a thick caramel. If your mixture is too runny, simply discard the excess liquid before using.
  • Place banana pieces onto baking paper and place in the fridge to cool. 

Ingredients for the muffins/cake

  • Grease and line a muffin tin (the size is up to you!) or a large cake tin and preheat oven to approximately 190 degrees Celsius.
  • Combine milk and vinegar into a mediuma sized jug and set aside for 15 minutes.
  • Using a hand held mixer, beat aquafaba until soft peaks form. Set aside. 
  • Add oil to milk mixture.
  • Sift flour, powder, sugar and salt into a large bowl and make a well in the centre.
  • Add milk mixture and mix until just combined. Remove banana from fridge.
  • For muffins: evenly distribute half the batter into prepared tin, the place a spoonful of banana on top pf each one. Place remaining batter over the banana.
  • For a cake: pour half the batter into prepared tin, evenly spread banana on top, then cover with remaining batter.
  • Lightly tap tin against your kitchen bench to remove air bubbles, and place in the oven to cook for between 20 and 40 minutes for muffins or 1 hour for a cake, depending on how big your tin is. Your muffins/cake will be ready when they spring back when pressed and have started to brown.
  • Remove muffins/cake from the oven and set aside to cool completely. 

Instructions for the icing

  • In a large bowl beat all ingredients together until smooth.

Instructions for the decoration and assembly

  • Ice cake, drip with caramel and top with decorations.

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