Easy Lite Coconut Macaroons

Coconut macaroons are always so easy to make, and usually only require ingredients already sitting in your pantry. My vegan Easy Lite Coconut Macaroons use aquafaba instead of egg whites and rice malt syrup instead of sugar, to make them a lighter, slightly less guilty treat. Dip them in your favourite vegan chocolate and serve with tea!


  • 100ml aquafaba (6 tbs)
  • 100ml rice malt syrup
  • 150g shredded coconut
  • 150g plain flour
  • 100g vegan chocolate, melted


  • Preheat oven to approximately 180 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  • In a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment or in a large bowl using a hand held mixer, beat aquafaba until mixture becomes white and stiff, about 5 minutes on high.
  • Add rice malt syrup and beat for a further 1 minute.
  • Add coconut and flour and mix using a spatula until just combined.
  • Spoon mixture into small balls and place on prepared tray.
  • Bake for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and leave to cool completely.
  • Dip the bottom of each macaroon into melted chocolate and drizzle remaining chocolate over the top.
  • Place in the fridge until ready to eat.

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