Easy Vegan Potato and Leek Soup

Although the weather is getting warmer here in Sydney, I'm still enjoying making light and healthy soups. This is a really easy recipe that makes a delicious soup, which tastes great with crusty bread. You can add extra vegetables if you're feeling adventurous, too!


  • 2 litres water
  • 1 vegan vegetable stock cube (I like Massel's products)
  • 1 vegan chicken stock cube (I like Massel's products)
  • 6 large potatoes
  • 2 small leeks
  • 1/2 a fennel bulb
  • 2 tbs nutritional yeast
  • 1 tbs cumin seeds
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  • Boil water and stock cubes over a medium heat
  • Add potatoes and leek, and cook for approximately 10 minutes
  • Add nutritional yeast, cumin seeds and salt and pepper and turn off heat
  • Using a hand held blitzer, process until mixture is smooth
  • Garnish with herbs and spices of your choice and enjoy!

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