Gluten Free Fudgy Brownies

I've had many a brownie in my time, but it's so easy to have a bad brownie experience. You could discover a brownie that is deliciously crumbly on the outisde, but too dense on the inside. You could stumble across a brownie that appears to be deliciously rich, but that tastes more like a crumbly slice once you bite into it. Worse still, you could find that brownie that you think just might be your perfect match, but it ends up being full of ingredients you can't (or choose not to) eat. I've been working on a vegan, gluten free AND delicious brownie recipe, and I think I've finally produced something that can live up to your brownie standards. It's easy to make and freezes well, and is suitable for even your most difficult guests!


  • 185g vegan butter
  • 185g vegan chocolate
  • 9 tbs aquafaba (the brine found in tinned chickpeas)
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 80g rice flour
  • 1 tbs arrowroot
  • 1 tbs xanthan gum
  • 60g cocoa


  • Preheat oven to approximately 175 degrees Celsius, and grease and line a square/rectangular brownie tin
  • In a saucepan over a low heat, combine butter and chocolate until smooth
  • Set mixture aside
  • In a stand mixer, beat aquafaba for 5 minutes (it should increase significantly in volume and become thick and foamy)
  • Add sugar and beat for a further 5 minutes
  • Add flour, arrowroot, xanathan gum and cocoa, and carefully fold into mixture
  • Pour in warm chocolate mixture and again, mix until just combined
  • Pour into tin and gently tap against the kitchen counter to remove any air bubbles
  • Bake for approximately 25 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes out clean
  • Cut into slices (as big or as small as you like), and enjoy!

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