Maple Syrup Cookies

Crumbly cookies are so satisfying to eat, if not a little messy for someone (me) who eats as though it were going out of fashion. I designed these cookies to somewhat resemble a shortbread, but with less messy consequences and more maple goodness. I used both rice malt syrup and maple syrup, as maple syrup is too thin to be used alone in this recipe. You could also substitute the rice malt syrup for honey (if you're not a strict vegan) or another thick liquid sweetener. Must be eaten with tea.


  • 150g vegan butter, softened
  • 75g rice malt syrup
  • 75g maple syrup
  • 85g rice flour
  • 115g plain flour, sifted


  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray
  • In a medium sized bowl, beat butter and syrups until well combined
  • Add flours and beat for ten seconds, or until mixture just comes together
  • Place mixture in a piping bag fitted with an open star piping nozzle
  • Pipe circular patterns onto prepared tray
  • Bake for approximately 15 minutes, or until cookies begin to brown and are hard to the touch
  • Drizzle with syrup, royal icing or enjoy as is!

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