Super Fast Chocolate Almond Bites

This is the fastest and easiest way to reach your number one goal, which I assume, like mine, is stuffing your face with chocolate. I make these using rich dark chocolate, raw, crunchy almonds and chunky sea salt, and within 30 minutes my chocolate smeared face is plastered with a smile. Perfect for sudden guests or a romantic night for one.


  • 100g vegan dark chocolate
  • 1/2 tbs coconut oil
  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • Sea salt


  • Melt chocolate and coconut oil until smooth
  • Divide almonds evenly into mini cupcake cases
  • Pour chocolate over almonds and sprinkle with sea salt
  • Place in the refrigerator and leave to set for 20 minutes
  • Remove from fridge and cases, and enjoy!

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