Vegan Chocolate Cheesecakes

They're creamy, rich and has a slight crunch, and it needs your attention immediately. I'm very proud to present my Chocolate Cheesecakes, made with Vego Spread, Green Vie Original Spread (cream cheese), and Coconut Whipping Cream from Vegan Perfection.

They're really easy to prepare and make decadent dessert for any special occasion. The combination of the Vego Spread, creamy filling and crunchy cup make them taste like the biggest Ferrero Rocher you've ever had, sans cruelty. Amazing!

Ingredients for the base

  • 250g vegan chocolate biscuits (I used Arnott's Chocolate Ripple biscuits)
  • 75g quick oats
  • 4 tbs vegan butter, melted
  • 1 tbs oat milk

Ingredients for the filling


Chocolate Cheesecake

Vegan cheesecake

Vegan dessert


Vegan Cheesecake

Chocolate Cheescake

Easy dessert

Easy vegan recipeDessert recipe

Instructions for the base

  •  Preheat oven to approximately 200 degrees Celsius.
  • In a food processor, blend biscuits and oats until they resemble thick breadcrumbs.
  • Add milk and butter, 1 tbs at a time, until the mixture comes together.  
  • Press mixture into prepare tin. If making individual servings, bring mixture up around the sides to create a cup. 
  • Using a fork, make a few small holes in the base of each cup and place in the oven for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Once cooked, remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.

Instructions for the filling

  • Using a stand or handheld mixer, blend all ingredients until smooth. 
  • Pour mixture into prepared cups or tart case and place in the fridge to set for at least 2 hours.
  • Warm up Vego Spread and  drizzle over cheesecakes.
  • Serve cold with chocolate shavings. 

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