Vegan Gyoza

Who says vegans have to miss out?! This recipe makes simple, healthy, vegan gyoza which taste great. You can experiment with different fillings once you know how to make the wrappers, and can even make them gluten free!


  • 120g bakers flour
  • 120g plain flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 125ml very hot water
  • 3 tbs olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 green onion, finely sliced
  • 2 cups chopped mushrooms
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 tbs soy sauce (optional, I prefer the filling without soy sauce)


  • Sift flours into a medium sized bowl
  • Add salt and stir to combine
  • Slowly pour hot water over flour mixture and stir to combine
  • Keep stirring until the mixture forms a ball and there is no dry flour remaining in the bowl
  • Knead mixture on a lightly floured surface for 10 minutes, or until mixture is smooth and elastic
  • Roll mixture out into two, long logs about 30cm in length, cover with cling film and rest in the fridge for 10 minutes
  • Meanwhile, heat 2tbs oil on a medium heat in a medium sized fry pan for 3 minutes, add onions and mushrooms and cook for a further 12 minutes. Finally, add spinach and stir for 2 minutes.
  • Remove logs from the fridge and cut each one into approximately 12 sections
  • Flattened each section and using a small rolling pin, roll into a thin circle (you can use a cookie cutter for a cleaner cut)
  • Spoon about 3/4 tbs of the mushroom mixture into each round, and seal the bottom section to the top (see the recipe picture for an idea of how to do this). Put each gyoza under a tea towel so they don't dry out as you prepare them
  • Once all gyoza are ready, steam for 10 minutes or until cooked through
  • Once steamed, heat remaining tbs of oil in a small saucepan and brown each one on the flat side for approximately 3 minutes
  • Serve with soy sauce and enjoy!

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