Vegan Pepperoni Pizza

I've had the pleasure of enjoying many vegan pizzas, particularly as vegan food becomes more commonplace and recipes become more creative. Whilst I'm always up for a healthy spin on a pizza (I'm talking cauliflower base and veggie toppings - yum!), sometimes I just need a hearty, unapologetically indulgent meal, and I'm happy to report that my Vegan Pepperoni Pizza is just that.

My recipe includes details on how to make a crunchy homemade base, but its secret ingredient is without a doubt Suzy Spoon's Peppernoni. It's meaty, packed full of flavour, and 100% vegan (also nut free!). Pick up a packet and add it to your pizza - you won't be able to get enough of the aroma in the room as your pizza cooks!

Ingredients for the pizza dough

  • 230g warm water
  • 4g instant yeast
  • 1 tbs caster sugar
  • 600g baker's flour
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 100ml olive oil
  • 1 tbs soy milk

Ingredients for the topping

  • 200g passata, or to taste
  • 200g vegan cheese, or to taste
  • 1 x pack of Suzy Spoon's Peppernoni
  • Fresh herbs and spices (optional)

Vegan Pepperoni Pizza

Vegan Pizza

Suzy Spoon's Peppernoni

Vegan Pizza Recipe

Vegan Pepperoni Pizza

Vegan Pizza

Vegetarian Pizza

Easy Pizza Recipe

Vegan Pizza

Easy Vegan Pizza














Instructions for the pizza dough

  • In a medium sized jug, combine water, yeast and sugar and set aside for 10 minutes.
  • Place flour and salt in a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, and mix for 15 seconds. Alternatively, place in a bowl and mix using a spatula.
  • Add olive oil, milk and yeast mixture to dry mixture and mix or knead for approximately 5 minutes, or until mixture comes together to form a soft dough.
  • Place in a well-oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.
  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius and set aside two pizza trays.
  • Remove dough from the bowl and place on a floured surface. 
  • Half the dough, and roll out each piece into a thin round shape.

Instructions for the topping

  • Spread passata onto each base, followed by cheese, then by Peppernoni.
  • Place pizzas onto trays and cook for approximately 30 minutes, or until cooked through. 
  • Serve hot or freeze until ready to eat!

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