Vegan Pumpkin Pies

Around November I always have a hankering for Thanksgiving food, even though it's not something I've ever celebrated outside of a fun trip to New York one year. Nevertheless, I remember being disappointed that so many veggie dishes and tasty desserts had uncessesary ingredients that made them unfriendly to vegans but no more tasty than they otherwise couldn't been. This year, I tackled the famous pumpkin pie, made with a vegan condensed milk and some rich, autumn spices. I serve mine with whipped coconut cream but feel free to experiment with your own favourite toppings!

Ingredients for the pastry

  • 400g plain flour
  • 60g caster sugar 
  • Pinch of salt
  • 200g vegan butter 
  • 1 1/2 tbs cold water 

Ingredients for the filling

  • 540g mashed pumpkin (about 1/4 of a pumpkin)
  • 20g caster sugar 
  • 20g brown sugar 
  • 1 tbs pumpkin spice mix (or a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla beans)
  • 1 x 320g tin of vegan condensed milk 
  • 1 vegan egg (1 tsp egg replacement powder mixed with 2 tbs warm water) 
  • 1 x 400ml tin coconut milk, chilled 

Pumpkin pie

Vegan pumpkin pies

Vegan pies











Instructions for the pastry

  • Preheat oven to approximately 180 degrees Celsius and set aside 1 large pie tin, 4 medium sized ones or 10 mini ones. 
  • Place all dry ingredients into a food processor and blitz until combined. 
  • Add butter and blend again, this time until mixture resembles bread crumbs.
  • Add water and mix until the pastry comes together.
  • Cover and place in the fridge to rest for 30 minutes.
  • When ready to use, roll out pastry and press into prepared tins.

Instructions for the filling 

  • Combine all ingredients except for the coconut milk in a saucepan over a low heat, stirring regularly. When the mixture is ready, it'll be thick but pourable. 
  • Pour mixture into prepare tins (no blind baking necessary) and place into the oven. Cook for approximately 50 minutes, or until mixture is firm to the touch.
  • Leave to cool, and just before serving whip up the coconut cream (just scoop out the creamy mixture and discard the water) and serve together.

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