Wicked Chocolate Beet Cake

Chocolate cake is always a winner, but this recipe makes a wickedly rich, moist and earthy dessert that has a unique and beautiful flavour. Don't be scared by the addition of beetroot, as like sweet potato, it adds moisture, sweetness and a new depth of flavour. The cakes and ganache can be made in advance and put together just before serving, and can both be frozen. Go on, indulge!

Ingredients for the cake

  • 200g brown sugar
  • 35g cocoa powder
  • 250g self-raising flour
  • 300g cooked beetroot
  • 200ml soy milk
  • 50ml vegetable oil
  • 150g vegan chocolate, melted

Ingredients for the ganache

  • 75ml soy milk
  • 100g vegan chocolate, broken into pieces
  • Decorations, optional

Chocolate Beetroot Cake

Vegan Chocolate Cake

Vegan Chocolate Beetroot Cake

Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe

Cake recipe

Chocolate cake recipe

Best cake recipe

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Instructions for the cake

  • Preheat oven to approximately 180 degrees Celsius and grease a mini loaf tin with plenty of vegan butter.
  • In a large bowl, combine sugar, cocoa and flour and mix until there are no lumps. Set aside.
  • In a food processor, combine beetroot and soy milk, and blend until smooth. 
  • Add beetroot mix, oil and chocolate to flour mixture, and mix until just combined.
  • Spoon mixture evenly into prepared tin, and place into the oven.
  • Cook for approximately 40 minutes or until cakes spring back when touched. 
  • Remove from the oven and leave to cool. 

Instructions for the ganache

  • Heat milk over a low heat until it gets hot but before it boils.
  • Remove milk from the heat and add the chocolate, stirring until it melts completely.
  • Spread ganache over cakes and decorate as desired. 

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