Easy Rhubarb and Apple Tart

Easy Rhubarb and Apple Tart

Easy Rhubarb and Apple Tart

  • 01 h Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Sweet, tart (pardon the pun), fruity and very easy to make, this dessert is a great one for high teas, parties or any occasion that needs a bit mor...

BBQ Jackfruit Tacos with Crunchy Apple Slaw

BBQ Jackfruit Tacos with Crunchy Apple Slaw

BBQ Jackfruit Tacos with Crunchy Apple Slaw

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
Jackfruit is one of nature's greatest gifts to vegans, everywhere. When cooked correctly, it somehow makes the most delicious meat substitute, that...

Vegan Upside Down Apple and Cinnamon Cake

Vegan Upside Down Apple and Cinnamon Cake

Vegan Upside Down Apple and Cinnamon Cake

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
This charming cake is perfect for morning tea, particularly for those with a sweet tooth who are avoiding refined sugar. It reminds me of a cake my...