Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

  • 20 ' Prep. Time
  • 2 Serves

Sweet potato makes for such a versatile ingredient, for salads, curries, sides and even desserts. I decided to create a sweet breakfast recipe using sweet potatoes, as well as (mostly) healthy, wholesome ingredients that taste great and will satisfy your sugar cravings.

You can use any sweet potato of your choice for this creation and substitute the fruit and nut butter with your favourites, but my recipe is a great, simple and tasty place to start. Enjoy for breakfast, dessert, or as a rich vegan snack! 

Crunchy Corn Fritters

Crunchy Corn Fritters

Crunchy Corn Fritters

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
Another day, another vegan breakfast! Corn fritters used to be my go-to order at breakfast cafes, but it's tricky finding a place that does them without eggs, and many even have added cheese and sour cream to this crunchy delight. As regular readers know, I've recently committed to creating a vegan breakfast menu, with versions of my favourite non-vegan snacks that taste as good as the real thing (maybe even better, but let's not brag). Serve these with a tangy relish, vegan sour cream or heap of smashed avocado!