Pull Apart Hot Cross Buns

Pull Apart Hot Cross Buns

Pull Apart Hot Cross Buns

  • 2 h Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Who doesn't love a (clean-handed) pull apart bread?! This is a vegan, wholemeal, hot cross bun recipe with a low-sugar option, that's made in cake tins and easy to share. 

Sticky Almond Buns

Sticky Almond Buns

Sticky Almond Buns

  • 001 h 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside and covered with sweet, flaked almonds, this recipe is the treat you need! My Sticky Almond Buns take a little longer than muffins or cupcakes and require a few extra ingredients, but they're worth it. They make a lovely dessert or morning tea snack, freeze well and have the moreish quality that make it hard to stop at one. As always, they're vegan but your non-vegan friends will never know! 

Chocolate Hazelnut Rolls

Chocolate Hazelnut Rolls

Chocolate Hazelnut Rolls

  • 01 h 45 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
With Easter just around the corner, there's finally an excuse to bake delectable, chocolatey recipes and stuff your face with all the delicious vegan treats popping up in both specialty and mainstream stores. It's a great time to be vegan, and it's the perfect time to try out my Chocolate Hazelnut Rolls, which are soft, warm and made with the utterly indulgent Vego Spread. They are surprisingly easy to make and only require a few ingredients, but are guaranteed to have your vegan and non-vegan friends totally satisfied and wishing they wore looser pants.