Vegan Caesar Salad with Maple Tempeh and Sesame Parmesan

Vegan Caesar Salad with Maple Tempeh and Sesame Parmesan

Vegan Caesar Salad with Maple Tempeh and Sesame Parmesan

  • 40 ' Prep. Time
  • 2 Serves
Years ago, Caesar salads were a regular part of my diet. I recall taking a break from my very first casual job and buying a creamy salad and a strawberry milk and devouring the whole thing. I wonder why my teenage skin was so bad?!
My Vegan Caesar Salad has the same creamy dressing, a cheesy parmesan and a crunchy crouton, but made with far healthier ingredients and without any animal products. The parmesan recipe is a personal favourite of mine, and can be added to any salad, pasta or veggie dish. This recipe is a real party pleaser and is a great introduction to tempeh, too! 

Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl

Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl

Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl

  • 20 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
A fresh, fast and fabulous option for lunch or dinner, my Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl is a healthy vegan's delight. It's packed with plant based protein, veggies and tangy flavours, and is a great choice for lunch or dinner, or even as a crowd pleasing option for a shared dinner. Be creative and use your own combination of vegetables, protein and spices. 

Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies

Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies

Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, just like this recipe. My Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies are healthy, quick to make, taste great. They are glu...