List of Recipes


No Bake Vegan Doughnuts

No Bake Vegan Doughnuts

No Bake Vegan Doughnuts

  • 5 h Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
Made with healthy, wholesome ingredients like raw cashews, cacao and hazelnut meal, these doughnuts are the perfect treat for anyone avoiding highly processed or sugary snacks. 

Vegan Noodle Soup

Vegan Noodle Soup

Vegan Noodle Soup

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
It's getting colder in Sydney, and slowly my fridge is getting stocked with wholesome winter ingredients to keep my *always cold* body warm. 

This soup is really easy to make, has a small kick to it and is can be easily adapted to suit you spice preferences. Cruelty free and great for weeknight dinners.

Healthy Zucchini Brownies

Healthy Zucchini Brownies

Healthy Zucchini Brownies

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves

I always seem to have zucchini left over, and rather than making yet another zucchini-based dinner (all respect to zucchini dinners, they're great!) I like to make the most of what I have by making my Healthy Zucchini Brownies. 

They're really easy and low in sugar, but if you like your desserts to taste sweet feel free to add more sweetener to the recipe. I usually make a big batch and freeze it, but these brownies taste particularly good warm from the oven. 

Healthy Berry Slice

Healthy Berry Slice

Healthy Berry Slice

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves

As regular readers know, dessert is my favourite meal of the day. I often think about how surprisingly easy it was for me to become vegan, and yet how difficult I find it to skip dessert. Sure, dessert may not be the best thing for my teeth or waistline, but eating animal products has such a huge impact on the world around me, cutting it out and continuing to do so is easier than ever. As for dessert, we forge on!

My Healthy Berry Slice makes dessert much less sugary but still all kinds of sweet. The recipe uses very little sugar (but you can certainly add more, to taste) and is packed with wholesome, healthy ingredients. It freezes well and tastes great as a morning tea treat. 

Kelp Noodle and Papaya Salad with Peanut Dressing

Kelp Noodle and Papaya Salad with Peanut Dressing

Kelp Noodle and Papaya Salad with Peanut Dressing

  • 40 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
This is one of my FAVOURITE salad recipes, because it combines all of my must-have elements: it's healthy, crunchy, packed full of flavour and vegan. If you don't have kelp noodles you can substitute them for vermicelli, but I'd highly recommending trying to get your hands on some as they provide such a lovely texture to this crowd-pleaser. Make a big batch and enjoy it throughout the week, and definitely serve it at your next dinner party with some grilled tofu, smashed avocado and sweet potato fries. Yum!

Easy Udon Soup

Easy Udon Soup

Easy Udon Soup

A good soup is wholesome, warming and filling, and perfect for a last minute winter meal. My Easy Udon Soup is packed with veggies, tofu and other ...

Matcha and Coconut Balls

Matcha and Coconut Balls

Matcha and Coconut Balls

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
Matcha has so many health benefits, and is being incorporated into desserts, cakes, lattes and all sorts of treats these days. This is a super fast, tasty and wholesome recipe that makes a convenient sweet snack. Store at room temperature, in the fridge or in the freezer until ready to eat! 

Tomato and Black Bean Soup

Tomato and Black Bean Soup

Tomato and Black Bean Soup

I'm always inspired to create new soup recipes as the weather gets cooler, but honestly, I could eat this soup all year round. As someone who loves hearty food, I eat soup for two reasons: firstly, to feel warm and full, and secondly, because it provides a solid excuse to eat toast. This ticks both boxes, and is made using delicious black beans, veggies and spices. Make a big batch and store it in the fridge, and have your sourdough ready. 

Tempeh Stuffed Mushrooms

Tempeh Stuffed Mushrooms

Tempeh Stuffed Mushrooms

Oh how I love tempeh! I love traditional tempeh, I love chickpea tempeh, I love it with tamari and I love it when combined with a sticky sauce - it...

Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl

Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl

Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl

  • 20 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
A fresh, fast and fabulous option for lunch or dinner, my Mixed Vegetable and Black Bean Bowl is a healthy vegan's delight. It's packed with plant based protein, veggies and tangy flavours, and is a great choice for lunch or dinner, or even as a crowd pleasing option for a shared dinner. Be creative and use your own combination of vegetables, protein and spices. 

No-bake Mixed Berry Chocolate Slice

No-bake Mixed Berry Chocolate Slice

No-bake Mixed Berry Chocolate Slice

  • 1 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Baking a dessert is good, eating a dessert is better, but not having to bake AND being able to eat dessert, is definitely the best. My No-bake Mixe...

No Bake Lime and Matcha Tart

No Bake Lime and Matcha Tart

No Bake Lime and Matcha Tart

  • 1 h 30 ' Prep. Time
Matcha is one of those ingredients that suddenly seems to be appearing in everything, and frankly, thrown into a cup of boiling water is not my ide...

Garlic Mushroom and Cherry Tomato Open Tart

Garlic Mushroom and Cherry Tomato Open Tart

Garlic Mushroom and Cherry Tomato Open Tart

  • 1 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
I love making open tarts, mostly because they require so little effort and taste delicious. Seriously, even if you're a lazy cook, this dish is so ...

Crunchy Oat Bars

Crunchy Oat Bars

Crunchy Oat Bars

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 20 Serves
What a time to be alive. We can actually ingest crunchy, filling and sweet treats, without even the hint of an animal product or a highly refined s...

Raw Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake

Raw Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake

Raw Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake

  • 2 h Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Another excuse to eat chocolate and peanut butter on a daily basis is here, and I am never letting it go. This recipe is packed full of protein ric...

Creamy Vegan Mac and Cheese

Creamy Vegan Mac and Cheese

Creamy Vegan Mac and Cheese

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 6 Serves
I experienced my first Thanksgiving last year whilst in New York, and attended a lovely dinner where I made my way through mountains of delicious f...

Easy Vegan Potato Curry

Easy Vegan Potato Curry

Easy Vegan Potato Curry

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 2 Serves
I love this recipe for a few reasons. 1: It involves potato, which is always a good thing in my book. 2: It has an Indian flavour which tastes grea...

Lamingtons with Raspberry Chia Jam

Lamingtons with Raspberry Chia Jam

Lamingtons with Raspberry Chia Jam

  • 45 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Lamingtons make for such a satisfying snack. Between the soft sponge, the rich chocolate and the chewy coconut, it may be an impossibility to stop ...

Healthier Chocolate Chip Cookies

Healthier Chocolate Chip Cookies

Healthier Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 15 Serves
Any sentence that combines the words, 'healthier' and 'chocolate chip cookies', is a sentence that should be uttered as much as possible. This reci...

Easy Black Bean Brownies

Easy Black Bean Brownies

Easy Black Bean Brownies

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 24 Serves
Black beans are fast becoming my fifth best friend. I mean sure, they don't watch Survivor with me or take me out to lunch, but they consistently p...

Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies

Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies

Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, just like this recipe. My Easy Oat and Raisin Cookies are healthy, quick to make, taste great. They are glu...

Raw Fudgy Brownies

Raw Fudgy Brownies

Raw Fudgy Brownies

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Vegan brownies are so easy to make, and in my experience often taste better than their non-vegan counterparts. It turns out, raw, refined sugar fre...

Vegan Choc-coconut Bites

Vegan Choc-coconut Bites

Vegan Choc-coconut Bites

  • 1 h 58 ' Prep. Time
  • 24 Serves
I often make desserts in bite sized portions, in an attempt to stop myself cutting a slice for one that could feel a small nation. My Vegan Choc-co...

Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake

Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake

Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
I tried this recipe a month ago and loved the idea, so developed my own version! This is my Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake, which is ...

Cranberry and Quinoa Energy Balls

Cranberry and Quinoa Energy Balls

Cranberry and Quinoa Energy Balls

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
I love a good energy ball, and this one has the lovely bite we've come to expect from the delicious dried cranberry. This is a really easy recipe t...

Chocolate Cashew Cookies

Chocolate Cashew Cookies

Chocolate Cashew Cookies

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
I'm not going to lie, this recipe was born out of a desperate craving for chocolate cookies. I wanted cookies. I had no cookies. I made these, and ...

Vegan Quinoa and Bean Veggie Patties

Vegan Quinoa and Bean Veggie Patties

Vegan Quinoa and Bean Veggie Patties

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 5 Serves
I was actually inspired to create this recipe after listening to a Sam Harris podcast episode called, "Meat Without Misery", about the new kind of ...

Vegan Sticky Date Puddings

Vegan Sticky Date Puddings

Vegan Sticky Date Puddings

  • 20 ' Prep. Time
  • 6 Serves
Sticky date pudding is as wonderfully rich as Oprah and about as indulgent as her Favourite Things. Unfortunately, the traditional recipes use a lo...

Raw Chocolate and Coconut Tarts

Raw Chocolate and Coconut Tarts

Raw Chocolate and Coconut Tarts

  • 45 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
This is a fabulous tart that is vegan, full of fruit, nuts and healthy ingredients, and is very easy to make. This recipe gives you instructions on...

Mango and Banana Smoothie Bowl

Mango and Banana Smoothie Bowl

Mango and Banana Smoothie Bowl

  • 25 ' Prep. Time
  • 1 Serves
Smoothie bowls are a quick and easy way to make a nutritious, vegan snack. I love making new smoothie bowl creations and decided to include my Vega...