Vegan Raspberry Turnovers

Vegan Raspberry Turnovers

Vegan Raspberry Turnovers

  • 20 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
It's always exciting to create a recipe that includes vegan pastry, especially when it tastes as good as this one does! Making your own pastry does require a time commitment, but it's absolutely worth it and tastes just as good as the non-vegan versions you used to enjoy. This recipe uses my chocolate croissant pastry, but is filled with a sour raspberry filling and topped with a lemon glaze. I like to make a batch of these and freeze them for when last minute friends come by, or serve them for a lavish morning tea for vegans and non-vegans alike. 

Raspberry, Lychee and Coconut Ice-blocks

Raspberry, Lychee and Coconut Ice-blocks

Raspberry, Lychee and Coconut Ice-blocks

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
Summer has been brutal in Sydney this year, so I've been spending most of my time under cold running water, with a fan in my face, eating ice-block...

Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake

Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake

Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
I tried this recipe a month ago and loved the idea, so developed my own version! This is my Frozen Coconut, Raspberry and Blueberry Cake, which is ...

Vegan Hot Cross Buns

Vegan Hot Cross Buns

Vegan Hot Cross Buns

  • 3 h 35 ' Prep. Time
  • 15 Serves
Although I miss the rich Easter eggs of my pre-vegan days, yet again vegan food has come through for me in my hour (or holiday, as it were) of need...