List of Recipes


Healthy Pear, Pecan and Choc-chip Bread

Healthy Pear, Pecan and Choc-chip Bread

Healthy Pear, Pecan and Choc-chip Bread

  • 10 Serves
Banana bread is obviously great, but there's only so many variations you can try before people start telling you to 'get out more' or as you to 'st...

Spiced Pumpkin Bread

Spiced Pumpkin Bread

Spiced Pumpkin Bread

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
I'm going to be honest, this recipe was the result of cheap pumpkin being on sale, and my desire not to waste a single gram. It's easy to make and ...

Choc Chip Banana Cake

Choc Chip Banana Cake

Choc Chip Banana Cake

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Banana cake is something that only psychopaths don't enjoy, and my healthier, vegan version of this classic recipe may even convert them. It's quic...

Soft and Salty Pretzels

Soft and Salty Pretzels

Soft and Salty Pretzels

  • 2 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
They're soft, they're salty, and they're a type of bread. Tell me, is there anything the pretzel can't do? This is a terribly satisfying recipe tha...

Spiced Spinach Bread

Spiced Spinach Bread

Spiced Spinach Bread

  • 1 h Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
As regular readers of the blog would know, there aren't many things I rate more highly than bread (schnauzers, maybe?). I'm always looking for new ...

Vegan Hot Cross Buns

Vegan Hot Cross Buns

Vegan Hot Cross Buns

  • 3 h 35 ' Prep. Time
  • 15 Serves
Although I miss the rich Easter eggs of my pre-vegan days, yet again vegan food has come through for me in my hour (or holiday, as it were) of need...

Nutty Seed Bread

Nutty Seed Bread

Nutty Seed Bread

  • 4 h 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
As someone who has had an intense affair with bread for some time now, I'm always looking for a healthier way to enjoy this carby pleasure. This re...