List of Recipes


Chocolate and Cinnamon Babka

Chocolate and Cinnamon Babka

Chocolate and Cinnamon Babka

  • 02 h Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Babka always makes a wonderful dessert, morning tea snack or sweet treat for sharing. It's made up of that winning combination of bread and chocolate, which are two of my favourite things, and is so versatile allowing for different types of fillings, spices, and flavours. If you're not planning on serving it for a group, cut it into pieces, place in the freezer and heat when you're ready to enjoy (the chocolate will melt a little too - yum!).

Easy Rhubarb and Apple Tart

Easy Rhubarb and Apple Tart

Easy Rhubarb and Apple Tart

  • 01 h Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Sweet, tart (pardon the pun), fruity and very easy to make, this dessert is a great one for high teas, parties or any occasion that needs a bit mor...

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cupcakes

  • 12 Serves

Perfect for a celebration, my Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cupcakes are sweet, soft, moist, rich and totally delicious. They're easy to whip up and look fantastic as part of a morning tea or party platter, and in addition to being egg free, dairy free and vegan, can easily be made gluten free too. Once baked they can be frozen until ready to serve, or stored at room temperature in an airtight container.

Strawberry and Coconut Friands

Strawberry and Coconut Friands

Strawberry and Coconut Friands

  • 25 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Friands are a familiar fixture at high teas and special events, as a more elegant and refined muffin or cupcake. They are delicate, soft and sweet,...

Wicked Chocolate Beet Cake

Wicked Chocolate Beet Cake

Wicked Chocolate Beet Cake

  • 20 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Chocolate cake is always a winner, but this recipe makes a wickedly rich, moist and earthy dessert that has a unique and beautiful flavour. Don't b...

Vegan Opera Cake

Vegan Opera Cake

Vegan Opera Cake

  • 03 h Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves

I love coming up with decadent, extravagant and indulgent desserts, especially when the results are so fabulous! My Vegan Opera Cake combines a fluffy sponge, a creamy buttercream, a rich coffee syrup and a smooth chocolate ganache. It takes time, concentration and effort, but the results are well worth it. It's looks beautiful as the feature of a high tea, morning tea or party platter, and can be made in advance and frozen until needed. It's a rich and complex cake that will hit all the right spots. 

*Try not to confuse the layers. Your opera cake should be made up of (from top to bottom): croustillant, sponge, coffee syrup, buttercream, sponge, coffee syrup and ganache.

Apple Pastry Puffs

Apple Pastry Puffs

Apple Pastry Puffs

  • 04 h Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
I love a good mini-pastry, for breakfast, dessert, as a snack, or for pretty much any meal quite frankly. This is a time consuming but easy recipe for a basic vegan puff pastry, with an apple filling that can be made without or without any added sugar. It's made with plenty of vegan butter and isn't so much a healthy treat, but if you avoid adding sugar to the filling it's a better option than many of the store-bought desserts. Feel free to experiment with fillings based on what you have handy! 

Vegan Pain au Chocolat (Chocolate Croissants)

Vegan Pain au Chocolat (Chocolate Croissants)

Vegan Pain au Chocolat (Chocolate Croissants)

  • 5 h Prep. Time
  • 16 Serves
Before I was a vegan I had a few lovely pastry recipes that I never expected to use again, and I pretty much gave up on enjoying store bough pastries as well. It wasn't until recently that I decided to attempt a vegan version of my favourite pastry, the pain au chocolat, which I'm excited to report turned out magnificently! This recipe is wonderfully easy to make but does take time and patience, and should definitely be enjoyed in moderation. Feel free to experiment with different types of chocolate, jams or fruit, too! 

Chocolate Self-saucing Pudding

Chocolate Self-saucing Pudding

Chocolate Self-saucing Pudding

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
One of the most common misconceptions about plant based food is that it never tastes as good as 'normal' food, and is made almost entirely of tofu and air. Anyone who has tasted well made vegan food knows this is so wrong, particularly when it comes to dessert. When you eat a non-vegan cake, are you enjoying it because you can taste the eggs and milk? Of course not! Not only are vegan desserts delicious and often even better than their non-vegan counterparts, they're cheaper and quicker to make. 

Healthy Pear, Pecan and Choc-chip Bread

Healthy Pear, Pecan and Choc-chip Bread

Healthy Pear, Pecan and Choc-chip Bread

  • 10 Serves
Banana bread is obviously great, but there's only so many variations you can try before people start telling you to 'get out more' or as you to 'st...

Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

  • 2 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Some people avoid working with yeast as it can often seem intimidating, and it's hard to get the ratios right. My Vegan Cinnamon Rolls are surpris...

Passion Fruit Loaf with Marmalade Icing

Passion Fruit Loaf with Marmalade Icing

Passion Fruit Loaf with Marmalade Icing

  • 1 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
This loaf is a lovely addition to any morning tea spread, and makes a great alternative to chocolate desserts for those who prefer fruity treats. Y...

Easy Lite Coconut Macaroons

Easy Lite Coconut Macaroons

Easy Lite Coconut Macaroons

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
Coconut macaroons are always so easy to make, and usually only require ingredients already sitting in your pantry. My vegan Easy Lite Coconut Macar...

Earl Grey and Lemon Cakes with Lavender Syrup

Earl Grey and Lemon Cakes with Lavender Syrup

Earl Grey and Lemon Cakes with Lavender Syrup

  • 1 h Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Earl Grey, lemon and lavender make such a good combination, it's almost surprising they don't have their own hilarious sitcom by now. This recipe i...

Gluten Free Wagon Wheels

Gluten Free Wagon Wheels

Gluten Free Wagon Wheels

  • 1 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 10 Serves
Wagon Wheels were a favourite of mine growing up, but between the milk and gelatine, they no longer seem to be a friend of mine. It took me several...

Baked Doughnuts with Galaxy Icing (yeast free)

Baked Doughnuts with Galaxy Icing (yeast free)

Baked Doughnuts with Galaxy Icing (yeast free)

  • 40 ' Prep. Time
  • 18 Serves
No frying or resting required, these doughnuts are basically like mini sugar bombs with fabulously exciting icing. They are really quick to make an...

Blackberry Melting Moments

Blackberry Melting Moments

Blackberry Melting Moments

  • 1 h Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Melting Moments make for such an impressive sweet treat, and although time consuming, are really easy to make. You can experiment with different ja...

No-bake Mixed Berry Chocolate Slice

No-bake Mixed Berry Chocolate Slice

No-bake Mixed Berry Chocolate Slice

  • 1 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Baking a dessert is good, eating a dessert is better, but not having to bake AND being able to eat dessert, is definitely the best. My No-bake Mixe...

Red Velvet Lamingtons

Red Velvet Lamingtons

Red Velvet Lamingtons

  • 1 h 45 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Although known as a classic Australian dessert, when you break it down, lamingtons are really just mini cakes dipped in icing and coconut. And yet,...

Cherry Ripe Brownie Slice

Cherry Ripe Brownie Slice

Cherry Ripe Brownie Slice

  • 2 h Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
This slice is so sweet and indulgent, one bite will make you feel as though you just ate an entire year's worth of dessert. It's made with a rich brownie base, a chewy cherry and coconut filling and a creamy chocolate ganache. It's gluten free, and the brownie recipe can also be used to make regular brownies (just throw in some walnuts!). It's addictive, so eat at your own risk.

Raw Chocolate, Caramel and Vanilla Cheesecake

Raw Chocolate, Caramel and Vanilla Cheesecake

Raw Chocolate, Caramel and Vanilla Cheesecake

  • 3 h 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
The words 'raw' and 'cake' don't naturally sound that great together, but I can assure you that this cake is both packed with superfoods, AND worth...

Vegan Caramel Slice

Vegan Caramel Slice

Vegan Caramel Slice

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Caramel slice is one of those disgracefully delicious, insanely addictive and deliriously sweet desserts that only psychopaths don't enjoy. I recen...

Carrot Cake with Vegan Cream Cheese Icing

Carrot Cake with Vegan Cream Cheese Icing

Carrot Cake with Vegan Cream Cheese Icing

  • 50 ' Prep. Time
  • 15 Serves
I made this cake for a beautiful vegan wedding, which I'm told, despite some bad weather, was a fantastic soiree! The bride and groom requested a c...

Rice Paper Fruit Pockets

Rice Paper Fruit Pockets

Rice Paper Fruit Pockets

  • 1 h Prep. Time
I always have rice paper in my cupboard, for those days when I'm too lazy to properly cook, but hungry enough to demand more than tinned baked bean...

Raspberry, Lychee and Coconut Ice-blocks

Raspberry, Lychee and Coconut Ice-blocks

Raspberry, Lychee and Coconut Ice-blocks

  • 10 ' Prep. Time
  • 4 Serves
Summer has been brutal in Sydney this year, so I've been spending most of my time under cold running water, with a fan in my face, eating ice-block...

Raw Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake

Raw Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake

Raw Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake

  • 2 h Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
Another excuse to eat chocolate and peanut butter on a daily basis is here, and I am never letting it go. This recipe is packed full of protein ric...

Vegan Tim Tams

Vegan Tim Tams

Vegan Tim Tams

  • 40 ' Prep. Time
  • 12 Serves
If you're a vegan missing chocolate biscuits, sweets or Tim Tams (or just a human being with taste buds), you'll love my Vegan Tim Tams. They're ma...

Sherry Cherry Ripes

Sherry Cherry Ripes

Sherry Cherry Ripes

  • 2 h 20 ' Prep. Time
  • 8 Serves
Healthier than the store bought variety, these are a lovely mix of sweet sherry, juicy cherries and dark chocolate. I make these with 85% chocolate...

Super Fast Chocolate Almond Bites

Super Fast Chocolate Almond Bites

Super Fast Chocolate Almond Bites

  • 30 ' Prep. Time
  • 24 Serves
This is the fastest and easiest way to reach your number one goal, which I assume, like mine, is stuffing your face with chocolate. I make these us...

Peach and Tapioca Pudding

Peach and Tapioca Pudding

Peach and Tapioca Pudding

  • 15 ' Prep. Time
As satisfying as a it may be to decorate a cake, sometimes you just want a dessert that's quick, easy and light. My Peach and Tapioca Pudding takes...